Owen Spalding and his mate Graeme were here last winter for a few days fishing aboard Bite Me. We had some fun with the wahoo on 15kg, then we switched to 10kg and 8kg line classes for some light tackle challenges.
With some good successes under our belts (Owen smashed the 8kg Barracuda Fiji National Record) we had a play with the 4kg ultra-light gear and a chance of a World Record.
We had one potential record sharked and landed several fish that were just shy of setting records but Owen and Graeme definately caught the Ultra Light Tackle bug.
Owen loads up an Eyre Rod on 4kg with a stubbourn Southern Bluefin Tuna
Owen has now started his own rod building company – Eyre Rodsand hand crafts custom ultra-light rods for World Record hunters (and nutters wanting to fish for trophy gamefish on 1-4kg) Bite Me will be carrying a full spread of these rods this coming winter wahoo season and we fully expect to take yet another wahoo IGFA World Record.
With a little help from Halco we have all the ingredients to challenge ALL the IGFA ultra-light wahoo records. The latest rods are currently being tested on the Southern Bluefin Tuna and proving more than capable.
We look forward to giving them a good workout on the Kadavu wahoo aboard Bite Me