Issue 94 of BlueWater magazine
where even the bad days are sensational!
BlueWater Readers’ Trip to Canada
Editor Tim Simpson led a troupe of Aussie and Yankee anglers to Prince Edward Island where they hooked enormous bluefin tuna in magnificent surrounds. But the trip was not without some unexpected challenges!
australia’s 75 years of organised gamefishing
For 75 years the Game Fishing Association of Australia has provided the organisation and framework to grow our thriving sport and evolve it to become a world leader in sustainable gamefishing. Along the way, Aussies have landed many remarkable captures, as historian John McIntyre recounts.
the longranger
In search of giant yellowfin
Imagine trying to land one of the biggest yellowfin tuna in the world from a stationary boat, amid a bunch of fellow anglers also hooked-up and jostling to follow their tuna around the railing. It’s all part of this long-range adventure.
creatures of the deep
These fish aren’t suckers, they know what they’re doing! Why swim when you can hitch a ride?
a day to remember
A Pink Flamingo for Thanksgiving
A remarkable true story with Capt Ron Hamlin and his weirdest catch.
cairns black marlin hall of fame
Three individuals that made exceptional contributions to the development of the Cairns fishery.
prey species
Predators as prey
It’s a dangerous ocean out there! Even the mightiest predators must run a deadly gauntlet from birth.
lure lore
Part 12: A catalogue of the bizarre
Thinking outside of the box can produce some exceptional lures.
big fish small boats
Hooked-up all year
With the mobility of a trailerboat you can follow the seasons and keep catching fish all year.
classic tomes
Saltwater Game Fishing in New Zealand
A great guide to New Zealand’s history and best fishing spots.
smoke and mirrors
Mold Craft ‘Chubby Chugger’
Its big, its chunky, and it’ll catch you a lot of big fish … just don’t expect it to look pretty.
a classic reincarnated
O’Brien 34 Custom Express
This custom-built gameboat has been designed with meticulous care by one of Australia’s foremost craftsmen with decades of experience in the gamefishing business.
bluewater tinnies don’t get any better
Vindicator 580
What this plate aluminium pocket-rocket lacks in physical size it more than makes up for in design, craftsmanship and rough-water performance.
Hot Bites – Australasia
Hot Bites – International
Rum Lines
IGFA Rule Book
BlueWater Calendar
A Site to See
Classic Tomes
Tournament News
IGFA Report
On the Waterfront
Charter Operators
Out of the Blue
Editorial – Simpson
The Billfish Foundation