Yellowfin Tuna

Large schools of yellowfin migrate through Fiji waters twice a year and so are found here almost all year round.

Places such as the Kadavu seamount almost always hold yellowfin as well as skipjack tuna.

Yellowfing aboard Bite Me, Fiji

The average size school yellowfin tuna weighs in between 15lb and 50lbs and they are often found along the outer barrier reef slopes and sometimes, inside the lagoons and passageways.

Out on the trench, they range from 100lbs to 180lbs. For yellowfin, We troll a range of skirted bullets, bibbed and bibless minnows.

These fish are stubborn fighters and pound for pound, fight harder than any other fish in the ocean.

Our fishing operation currently holds 7 Yellowfin line class Fiji National Records.