Giant Trevally are permanent residents along the Great Astrolabe Barrier Reef and inshore coral lagoons. They are caught all year round however most anglers target them casting poppers & stickbaits. This is best done from January to April.
They are a lot of fun when targeted using popper casting gear. The largest GTs inhabit the barrier reef outer slopes and in particular, the big outer reef breakers.
Anglers wishing to target the large GTs here (up to 50kg / 100lb fish) on their own heavy tackle popper rods need to access these outer reef slopes which means weather becomes a factor.
In winter, the Fiji Islands often get South Easterly trade winds. Occasionally these trades can blow up to 25 kts for a few days making a lot of the outer barrier reef GT hot-spots inaccessible.
Because of this we recommend that popper casting anglers visit us in the summer time (January – April) when the prevailing weather is generally calm.
This time of year generally allows unlimited access to all the best big GT haunts.