Nearly took the All Tackle Dogtooth Tuna world record today…

Now I am back ashore, some more info on the big doggie.

It was caught jigging on a Shimano 325g butterfly jig by angler Bill Busch aboard Bite Me using a Zenaq jig rod and Shimano Trinidad spooled with Power Pro 80lb spectra.

Fight time 45 minutes.

It was actually one of four dogtooth tuna we caught that afternoon, (3 others released) the morning being spent popper casting for GTs(we released 16)

The fish weighed in at 90.60 Kg on our Certified Scales (Matava Resort being an IGFA Weighstation) and is a pending new Fiji National All-Tackle Record.

Well done Bill ! Our biggest doggie so far. Just 9.9Kg off the M-36 IGFA World Record and 15kg off the IGFA All-Tackle World Record…